"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bologna on White Bread - Spending Treasure

I saw her stand up as soon as I walked through the door of the restaurant. She wanted me to know that she was there and where she was sitting.

I rushed over to greet her, happy that this day had finally come. We had been planning it all winter, it seems, waiting until the time when the roads and elements would be better as we each drove from our respective homes to this central meeting place.

I have known this friend for almost 45 years. We went to high school together, then college. We have each worked at keeping in contact with one another these past 40 years as our lives definitely took us here and there through the passing decades and we each took our separate paths.  From teen-age girls, to becoming moms; middle age women, moms, (I know, I said that once, already.) and now seniors, (??- Ugh! We both turn 60 this year – is there another name for it?) we have always found time for one another  at specific points and time. Amazing!

We have always been able to pick up immediately from where we were the last time. Yesterday, we talked and talked and talked. The topics unending, it seems: our kids; our husbands; our memories; our faith!  Dissecting frogs, old friends and forgotten teachers – there wasn’t enough time to cover it all! We spoke of love and dreams; hopes and full circles. Local history; age-old history; Jesus and Bible; Truth and politics; missions and gifts; secrets and embarrassing moments; questions and answers; prayers and more prayers - was there anything we didn’t cover? Maybe recipes and gardening tips were left unmentioned. ;-)

So much good in this one meeting; such a connection – how can one be a teen and then all of a sudden be 60? How can one know you so well? How can one laugh, and encourage and correct all in the same breath? Understanding, accepting, knowing, listening, same Father…that’s how!

If I needed therapy – and that’s debatable – this day would have been slotted as very therapeutic; just seeing my old friend.

We left only when we figured the restaurant had had enough of us, gracious though they were.

“Come to my car a minute,” my friend said. “I have something for you.” She grabbed a green gift bag from the front seat of her car and handed it to me.

I peered in side and burst out laughing. I knew immediately why. “I still like bologna on white bread.” And tomato soup - my comfort food!

“What kind of plants are those in there?” I asked, not yet taking them out of the bag.

“I’m not sure,” she responded. “Something that starts with an ‘h’.”

“Hyacinth?!” I exclaimed. “That’s one of my favorite flowers!”

She laughed, too. “I didn’t know.”

But our Father did…and my friend listens.


                             Vroom, Vroom! Old friend!

Guess what I had for dinner??  

 Almost 3 of them! ;-)
                                        And we aren't talking halves!

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