"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Angel Wings

We love our pets, don't we? We sure do. Cats, dogs, horses, birds - whatever the case may be. So when one is no longer with us or has died, I think it is probably pretty normal to miss them and think of them often. I know I do.

I have had many dogs throughout my life and I have loved them all. I suppose I really couldn’t pick a favorite. I just love dogs.  But there is one that has continued to visit me in my dreams as I sleep. Now I know for sure this dog was not my favorite; though she did go everywhere with me when she was alive.

She was a small, black Pomeranian/Japanese Chin mix. She was tiny, smaller than most cats. And she definitely had a personality all her own. But mostly, she just liked to be left alone. I had a dream about her just the other night, and it reminded me of a dream I had had about her, shortly after she died.  I mentioned this dream in the book I wrote about my father’s life, because it so perfectly described my dad’s wit. Below is the excerpt from In the Slipstream:
Dad also has a great sense of humor. He can be very witty and often times he comes up with just the right quip at just the right time.  One afternoon Matthew, Dad, Mom, and I decided to take in a game of golf at a local golf course.  Dad became an avid golfer after he retired.  When we finished the 9 holes, we sat down at the club house patio to have a cold Pepsi.  We were visiting as Mom was adding up scores....Dad asked what his score totaled and it was a pretty nice number. Then as Mom commented on the outcome of my miserable score with the intentions of making me feel better, I quickly spoke up, "Ssssshhhh, don't say that too loud." I got a good laugh from everyone.

Conversation soon changed to the dogs that were playing on the lawn around us and I was reminded of my little dog, Bear that I recently had to put to sleep.  I started telling them about the dream I had just had of Bear coming back to life and flying in with angel wings.... Dad quickly quipped with a smile, "Ssssshhhhh, don't say that too loud."  It was so, so funny, perfect delivery and timing; and Mom and I laughed until we both had tears.  I still laugh at that each time I think of it.
Ok so I love that! I laughed again as I prepared this blog post. It is simply a warm-hearted memory for me. I decided to post this little story because of the dream I had last night. The new dream is a continuation of the old. And that makes me smile.

But actually I woke up crying with the more recent dream. I guess because it really made me miss my little Bear-Bear – that was my nick-name for Bear. Funny how we find nicknames for our pets that are shorter if it is a long nickname and we pick a longer nick-name if the pet has a short name.

Anyway, in this dream, we were at a family gathering, sitting around outside in lawn chairs visiting with one another. I noticed running toward me was a little scraggly white dog. Upon the dog drawing nearer, my youngest sis exclaimed, “It’s Bear-Bear!” just as the little white ragamuffin jumped up into my lap. And don't forget, Bear was black! Not in this dream!

What was so funny was that Bear was still an angel!  Only this time she had turned white and her fur feathery – just exactly as you see angels depicted in old paintings.

I woke in tears missing my little dog. But later when I became fully awake, I smiled.  Are our pets ever really gone from us? I guess so, but oh what joy they offer us in life and nostalgic, warm-hearted memories as the years continue.



Thursday, December 18, 2014

New Again

I turned on the radio this morning, while I made the bed. I like to listen to the "morning show" every once in a while (not always) after I am done with my morning routine.

Usually, I only listen for about 15 - 20 minutes and then I shut it off to get on with the rest of my day. I was just about to turn it off when the DJ's said something about a Brad Paisley song. Now, I am not a big Paisley fan, but something they said kept me from pushing that button to "Off". Maybe it was the title: New Again. Maybe it was that I thought they said it was a new song from him - it isn't; rather it was recorded in 2009, but I had never heard it before.

Again, being Brad Paisley, I could have easily turned it off, but something kept me. And when I heard the beautiful and extensive guitar intro, I knew I was hooked. I had to listen. I'm glad I did. It was so beautiful!! You guessed it - it had me in tears! What can I say? I have mentioned the fact before that I cry at good talent. But even more, the words to this song are meant to be heard.

When the song was done playing on the radio, I googled it to see when it had been released and if there was a music video. I was surprised to see Paisley and Sara Evans had recorded it in 2009 for a Christmas album. I did not know that.

There are several fans that made video's of this song using clips from Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ. I have never allowed myself to watch Biblical movies made by Hollywood. Now a cute little Christian movie, I will watch. Or a Biblical movie produced by Christians rather than Hollywood, I will carefully watch. But I just don't want to view a distorted version of the Bible, so I don't watch Hollywood films that claim to be about the Bible; even this one which Gibson claimed to be accurate.

I'm glad I heard the song today, though. I really don't know if it was used in the movie, but like I said there were lots of people that made videos combining the two.  It is beautiful. I don't think the video I posted is the "official video". I don't know; usually it will be labeled as such, and this one was not. But I posted it anyway. I hope you will take a moment to listen. I don't think you will be sorry.

So while I am not particularly a Brad Paisley fan (think: I Want to Check You for Ticks) I absolutely LOVE this song. He is one of the best guitar players there is and Sara Evans voice is incredible. May I never be so judgmental that I "throw the Baby out with the bathwater". That Baby was born to wash us clean. And that is each and every one of us who has accepted His indescribable gift - whether we like them or not. I had heard Brad was one who had been "made new"...after hearing this, I believe it.

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift."
~2 Corinthians 9:15