"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How Sweet the Sound

“Oh, my! Big fat sigh.” I said under my breath as I pushed through the hospital door. It had been a stressful weak, and I was tired. I was also thirsty.  I hadn’t drunk enough water the night before.  Anxious to get to the hospital, I didn’t take time to grab a bottle on my way.  Now, as I was leaving, I really noticed - I felt parched!

As I walked out into the beautiful, spring day, I was only slightly encouraged. I was more focused on the chores I had to do, not wanting to forget anything which would cause me more time, and stress (Yes, I’m a wimp!) later.
I found my car in the crowded parking lot; that helped - I remembered where I parked!  I was about to put the key in the ignition, when a bottle on the passenger seat caught my attention. Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze!!  Ruby Grapefruit!!! My absolute favorite drink, ever!
Ok, so I must have been tired. It took me a moment to figure out how it got there!  Matt couldn’t have brought it, I had just been texting him; and I didn’t think he was in town yet. My youngest sis?  She knows I love this stuff, and she just got here. But no, wait; she doesn’t have a key to my car - Duh!  My husband is at work; it couldn't have been him. I grabbed that bottle, twisted that cap and took a big swallow. It had to be Matt. I laughed at my momentary confusion…then I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye that had appeared because of the thoughtfulness of my son.
“THANK YOU SO MUCH!” I “texted” him before I left the parking lot.
Sitting at a red light, I noticed something else on the passenger seat that I hadn’t noticed at first.  There tucked just under my blanket enough that I hadn’t noticed, were two brand new CD’s, by two of my favorite country artists.

Ahhhh, my son knows me. He knows what I love, and today he knew encouragement would be good. I smiled. What a thoughtful guy!
Now I was in "reminiscing mode". I remembered our days at the coffee shop when we were working 14 -15 hour days; leaving before dawn, and getting home well after dusk – 6 days a week. We were tired then, too. If Matt thought I was having a particularly bad morning, he would go start the car for me, and when I got into the car to leave, my favorite song by my favorite country artist would be playing on the CD player. The mandolin breaking through the morning moments calmed me instantly.  It was such a soothing, soft country melody, how could it not.  Sometimes, I wouldn’t even know when or how he did it, but I would turn the key to the ignition, and as the engine started, that beautiful song would begin playing, set exactly at the beginning of the tune. I would know he had been thinking of me enough to do something thoughtful for me. Just a little thing; but one of the biggest things to me, ever! Precious memories...
Oh the gift I have in that kid! 
I began to take the packaging off the first CD that had been lying on the seat.  I bet he knew I would listen to this one first, I thought to myself.  He knows me.
I put the CD into the player. I didn’t stop to look to see what song would begin to play, or even which songs were on the CD…didn’t care, it was my favorite artist. A beautiful, melodic piano intro began. I reflected on the little things that always seem to help when one is tired.  My favorite artist’s strong bass voice rang through the car. “Aaaamaaaazing Grace; how sweet the sound….”


Monday, March 11, 2013

Coming Home

I heard my first meadowlark, today! Yey!! Whenever I walk outside now, that will be one of the first sounds I hear for the next few months. Yey! They are back! I like to think they have come home.

The fog was settled over the pastures this morning, but it is already rising. It is going to be a beautiful, spring day with glorious sunshine.  As I fed the horses, I heard not just one beautiful warble, but many from the meadowlarks that are now here again to brighten my day.

But the horses were distracted today. The pig is back!

Did I tell you about the pig?  Several weeks ago, I noticed the horses gazing east, on high alert.

I went to the east window to see what they might be seeing.  I expected to see someone riding, or maybe even a moose. But what I saw was a big, fat pig sauntering north down the middle of the road.

I watched him for a few moments, as he proceeded to turn west onto our road - exactly like he had a destination in mind. Now we do live in a farming community, and almost everyone has cows, pigs, chickens and horses.  But I don't often see a pig taking control of the roads.  I may see a loose horse now and then, or even a cow; but never a pig.

I ran back to the house to get my camera. It was so comical, I wanted to get the pig on camera. He was much closer to my driveway, by the time I returned and I thought it would be an easy shot.  He picked up his pace, however, and I decided not to wait for the shot. I ran back to safety. I am smart enough to know they can be mean. I went inside and watched from the kitchen window.  The inquisitive fellow followed me right up to the gate, and kept nudging it with his nose as if to come in.  The horses were displaying their disapproval.  Porky wandered around the yard awhile then headed back down the driveway. That's when I decided I could take the shot.

Porky - Headed Home
He was headed into the woods.  Turned out he knew exactly where he was going; he was headed home. He belongs to the neighbors across the street, but he had been on an outing a good way from where he belonged, before he decided it was time to return.

He is making his presence known again today, but at least on his own side of the fence this time. My horses don't particularly care for this neighbor and they always let me know.

Oh but wait, this post was supposed to be about Meadowlarks....Ok, well maybe my post is really about coming home. ;-)

Monday, March 4, 2013

March into Spring

March 4th, 2013 ~ Big fat sigh!  March is finally here! I'm not so sure it is coming in like a lion, though.  Remember that old saying about March.."in like a lion; out like a lamb."   I guess we did have some winds in the last day or two, but it is beautiful today. A bit cold though, my thermometer says 29.  But the sun is out, and all is calm and quiet.

Yesterday, I saw my first robin. Well I guess I have seen one at my folks earlier, but yesterday was the first time I have seen one in our yard.  I am going to keep better track this year.  I always try to keep a record of the things I like to know, like the first robin, the first bluebird sighting and when I hear the first meadow lark of the season. I keep records of everything we do with the hay and the garden, and things like that.  But I am going to keep closer watch this year, I am going to observe more, take in the moment more, slow down a bit, sit outside more.  I'm going to do more of everything unimportant, more of everything that may seem like it is not productive. 

Oh, don't worry; I will work hard. There is no choice in that; things simply need to be done.  I don't have to tell myself to do more of that...it doesn't give me a choice.  But this year, I am going to live in the moment just a bit more. The moments are going way tooooo fast.  It's time to slow down and enjoy them.

So, that little robin?  He was looking for something to eat in the places without snow in the yard. He was very fat and I believe he was happy. The red of his breast seemed to be bursting in pride.  He has been here before and he is happy to be back.

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops — at all –

And sweetest — in the Gale — is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –

I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb — of Me.  
                ~Emily Dickenson