But this time, as I watched, I became very excited. It was
the mountains that were taking claim to this home this year. Both the mama and
the daddy were there, and it appeared they had been there awhile. I was pretty sure
the home was now theirs.
A few days later, I saw some swallows circling the box. Now
swallows can be very aggressive and usually do
win the battle. But when it comes to protecting a nest already established,
the mountains can be aggressive as well in protecting it. I made up my mind to
watch carefully for a few days, so I would know. Not that I could have done
anything about a swallow take over. But I wanted to know for my own peace of
mind. I didn't want anything to happen on my watch. Early in the morning, the
next day, I saw the mountains come out of the box and the swallows were no
where to be found. A few days later, nothing had changed. It looks like this
year, the mountains won, and I couldn't be happier.
It's a good year for
birds. They came early and they are very prevalent. Mr. Flicker is back and he
is as entertaining as ever. I have only heard him pecking at the house once, so
that is a relief. This morning I heard that distinct sound, but I couldn't tell
from where it was coming. I was just glad it wasn't on our house. I guess in
reality that is something I should prevent from happening. My husband cares
more than me. For some strange reason, I love hearing that sound...even on my

The meadowlarks have also been abundant this year; not only
audibly, but visually. Typically, I don't see the meadowlarks as often as I hear
them. But they, too, have been hanging around showing off for me. Well, they
don't "show off" like the flickers, but they have made an appearance or two and
that pleases me very much. But I would be satisfied to only hear them sing.
At least one of my other boxes has a pair of westerns in it,
and the box I call the "death box" is hosting the sparrows this year.
I lost a daddy western out of that box a few years ago, and the bluebirds have
not been back to it, even though I tried to clean it well. I am happy to see
the sparrows have seen fit to make a home there this year, allowing the
mountains to have the other box.
Ahhh, nature.
There are at least one set of killdeer. I think last year,
or maybe the year before, there were a ton of them. I love these birds too, but
they can be so noisy, and I worried about them so much after learning their
warning call. It seemed it filled the pasture that year, because there were so
many of them. I would listen every morning to that call, just so I knew they
were still there. And really, I can't do anything to protect them. I could only
pray. And yes, I prayed for all those little baby killdeer and their mamas.
I certainly didn't want anything happening to them on my watch.
Yes, some how I think the Lord has given me watch. There is not a
lot I can do, but I care for them the best I can. NO more cats. (I have to remind myself of that, periodically.) Keep the boxes
clean. Keep the boxes in a safe, secure area so the little fledglings will be
safe on their first fly out of the nest. I keep them watered with a little bird bath Matthew bought for me, and of course they use the sprinklers. I keep seed in a bird feeder and try to keep it full. That's the most that I can do. And
I can watch. God has given me "watch". It is for my own joy, I know...but still,
I try my hardest to not let anything happen on my watch.