This had to be one of the best days I have had in a long while.
Because it was time to set our clocks back, I woke well rested with an extra hour of priceless sleep. Heaven. I remember how my dad hated losing that hour in the spring, and I thought of him this morning, realizing how he must have loved this day (like me) when we get to get that hour back.
It was a beautiful autumn day, with clear blue skies and sunshine. I drank coffee as I did Bible study, and then I got to write. I realized as I wrote, that I reallllllly need to write. It is cathartic for me. Or maybe it is just something in me. I don't know. I just know it is necessary and I have neglected it far too much this summer and fall.
I knew more was going to be in store for me today, so I made my plan while I showered and dressed. Things were off to such a good start. And it was still early!!
This was going to be a day for doing the things I love to do. I had been wanting to get out in the yard but a project in the house this fall had thwarted my ability. We had started a project that really should have been saved for winter. And when the early snow came, I was afraid I had blown my chance to get my normal fall and winter preparations done. But today proved me able and I was thrilled to be able to do end of season work in my yard, pasture and garden. Perfect. I also helped my husband with the burn pile. Yes, these are the things I love. Part of it is that "scratch it off the list" feeling that I require.
As I worked, I realized I had a craving for Chile, so I came in after a turn at monitoring the burn pile and made Chile and corn bread for lunch. It was the perfect day for that, too. So good. So autumn.
We rested a bit before deciding to start the other burn pile in the pasture. While hubby did that I decided I would ride. I knew this would be one of my last opportunities this season, as I am a fair weather person in everything, the older I get. I just don't do much of anything in the cold anymore. I have turned into a wimp.
As I brushed and curried Juliee, I realized how much I need to do this, too. I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I am no "spring chick". There is not enough time to let days fade away. I must keep active and do the things I love to do. Sometimes I find I have to force myself to do the things I used to love. I think I have only ridden about six times this season - not enough. But the truth is, when it comes to some things, there simply may not be a tomorrow. Juliee is not a spring chick either. I don't want to take her for granted. She is a gift.She fully cooperated today and I knew it was going to be
a good ride. She was actually like her old self and it warmed my heart to see her like this. Oh how that girl used to love to ride. She was always ready and never balked. It was just something she loved. And one always knew it...she has always just been an "ears forward' kind of girl. But as she has grown older, just like me, she has days where she hasn't responded as well, either. Sometimes (just like me) she doesn't want to get out. She is 25 after
all, and I think sometimes her arthritis kicks in. I am 25 too and understand
that fully! ;-) I always tell her we are just two old women and we will do nothing
aggressive on our ride. Simply two old grey mares...well just one of us is grey, she is a bay ;-) out to enjoy the ride. We are both in the winter of our life...well, maybe on a good day - the autumn of our lives and we will ride accordingly.
Anyway, this was definitely the highlight of my day, and I was so happy to see her respond so favorably. The conditions were right and she obliged. Ears forward the whole ride. She enjoyed it as much as I did. Sometimes I have worried about her because of her age and a ride being too hard on her. But my vet assured me she needs this too. Animals can get depressed just like humans. They need to stay active and feel useful, just like us. It is good for her even in her old age. (Besides all that, there does kind of seem like a COVID lesson in there, doesn't there?)
Anyway, all of this caused me to stop and think. What a pleasure everything is when she is so agreeable. So heartwarming when she is her old self. When I don't have to worry about how she is feeling and if this is too much for her. I can always tell. I always want her to be comfortable.
I think the view between those two ears is my very favorite view ever. There is a piece of my soul that this salves. I think Ronald Reagan said it better. But anyway, it caused me to think. Now why don't I live my life like that? It is certainly more enjoyable for the ride (in this case the horse) and also the rider. It is true, it's not always an "ears forward" kind of day, but there certainly is no use in living it like that. It is just better to enjoy. And it isn't really that difficult, is it?
This year of 2020 certainly hasn't been an "ears forward" kind of year. So much strife and so many challenges. But as I sit here at the end of the day, while enjoying a soft drink on my deck, I watch the sunset turn the sky all shades of red, pink, and orange. Everything is so still. Taking in all that I was able to do today, everything just seems so right with the world. It makes me wonder, maybe it has been an "ears forward" kind of year all along. Maybe I just didn't know it. Maybe I let age and arthritis and circumstance dissuade me from the joy I should get from "the ride". Maybe I have been a bit like Juliee when she balks, not always enjoying the moment. Maybe I have just refused to set myself forward.I don't know. But I know I am going to try harder. I am too young to let age effect me negatively. I am going to take the vet's advice and realize the ride is good for me too.
And I will definitely try to get a bit more in, before "winter" takes control.
"I've often said there's nothing better for the inside of a man [or woman] than the outside of a horse." ~Ronald Reagan.