"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Devil of Ramadi

We lost an American hero, yesterday. He wasn't just an American hero; he was MY hero.

Do you have heroes? We all should. They are an important part of our walk through this life. We look up to them; we want to talk about them, and most important of all we want to emulate them. That, above all things is why heroes are so very important; they bring us to a higher place...a place where we know we can do better; we know we can be like that, too. Heroes are extremely important to any society. They make us better. I suppose that's why we don't hear much about "heroes" anymore. Nobody wants us to be better, it seems sometimes.

Anyway, my thoughts on heroes can be for another post. Yesterday, I lost one of my biggest heroes. I've written about him before. He is (excuse me, was) Navy Seal Sniper, Chris Kyle. He is the deadliest American sniper in history, having more "confirmed" kills than any other man in any other war. I know that isn't a very nice thing to talk about. I'm sorry. War is not pleasant. So I won't talk much about that; let's just say because of that number - 160 - he also saved that many lives. In fact, he probably saved lives more than 10 times that number. But even with all of that, that is not why he is my hero.

He is my hero, because he was brave, courageous, and humble. He is my hero because he loved this nation and knew it needs to be protected if it is to remain the greatest nation on earth. He is my hero because he had a job to do and he did it. He is my hero because he knew and understood the enemy, and he wasn't afraid to speak the truth about that. He is my hero because he was called "al-Shaitan" (the devil) by the enemy. He is my hero, because he said what he believed, he stood up for what he believed, and he fought for what he believed. Political correctness had no place in his life. He is my hero, because he didn't change who he was when fame attached herself to him, hoping to take him down. He is my hero because he was simply a country boy, a rodeo cowboy with down home attitudes and respect. He loved his mama and his daddy; and he loved his wife and kids. He is my hero, because he wasn't afraid to speak of his salvation through Jesus. He is my hero because he is my brother in Christ. He is my hero not because he died, but because he lived. And he lived in a manner in which we should all emulate.

Please read more about him here:

I'm not sure the article above explained that the company where Kyle worked, was actually a company he started himself - a company that trains military and police officers, etc. Chris started this company (Craft) when he returned from his service and it was a successful business operation that continued his life of service helping train others....just another reason why he is my hero.

Unfortunately, his business and his desire to continue to help others led to his murder. He was just doing what he does; helping a veteran who had PTSD.  I’m sure we are going to hear more about this…I have my own thoughts about it.
As I wrote this blog, I kept finding myself having to go back to change the tense from present to past…I wanted to write in present tense. So much so that I thought about leaving it in present tense, because that seemed more natural, more correct…I guess that’s simply because ones hero never really dies; they live on through their accomplishments and the history that they made…that’s why we need heroes. One of mine just happens to be the “Devil of Ramadi”…but more importantly – my hero is a down-home boy from Texas who simply did things right.

I guess this blog post was about heroes after all.

For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if those do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. ~ Romans 13:4

“If a man doesn’t stand up to evil, then evil will overcome and destroy.”
                                                          ~ Chief Chris Kyle

O'Reilly Interview

10 Questions with Chief Chris Kyle 

Newsmax Interview

A Little Joy    A Little Payback.

"It sounds like treason to me."   ~ My Hero


Conan Interview - (I'm not crazy about Conan, but this does show the humility of this American Hero, along with a note of humor to end on.)

Heroes - I love this article.

Wounded Warriors                 Troops First                  Proper Exit

We can learn a lot about a man from his memorial....a just tribute... 

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