"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Friday, March 27, 2020

All of Me

I received a friend request not too long ago from a classmate from high school. I didn't know her well back then, but there has been a Facebook page created for our class and it has connected a lot of people. I really didn't know much about this person, or what had happened to her over the years. But from our class page I knew she and I had diametrically opposite view in politics. Actually, it was that way back in high school too.

I was happy to see her want to friend me, but I almost cringed. Ugh! She is going to hate me, I thought. Another one that will just bite the dust, i.e. "unfriend" or restrict me, once she sees how political I am. Yes, one knows when that happens. It is actually so strange to me, that someone would be so offended that they would restrict someone. Can't they just scroll? How are they ever going to learn anything outside their bubble, if they only see and read what they believe? That's pride. If one isn't willing to see other view points, how are they going to influence anyone, if they believe their view is so absolutely correct? Wouldn't they want to bring others along? To speak for truth? If indeed they have the truth? I don't get it.

Anyway, I'm not gonna change. It is who I am. Part of the "You do You" campaign. Or as I like to say, ur sing:  "All of me. Why not take all of me. Can't you see...." Ha! OK, enough humor; in truth, I view politics as my responsibility - even my mission from God. I am to do "politics". But back to my story. I accepted the friend request with a disclaimer in messenger to my new friend.

"I am kinda political on here,"  I told her. "You will not like my politics. We are on opposite ends of the spectrum. But I am happy to accept your request, I just want you to know up front. I will not feel bad, if you change your mind or have to restrict me. You won't be the first."

Something to that effect, anyway. It is not the first disclaimer I have given when someone asks me to be their friend. In fact, I simply do not make friend requests, myself, because I am so afraid someone will be sorry they accepted one from me when they find out I talk about "politics" on my page. It isn't so bad if they are the ones that ask and it is on them. ;-)

Anyway, the other day, I accidently posted some misinformation on Facebook. I was angry and I forgot my rule to verify every article before posting. Even my comment at the top of the post was angry and not what I like to do or how I like to represent myself. It was simply not how I like to be seen, publicly.

Well, to her credit, my newest friend who is a liberal commented on my post and corrected me. "This article is from January, 2019." She simply stated. And then politely and calmly stated what the article was about from that time. I was ELATED to get her comment. I quickly posted: "Thank God!!!!! Thank you!!! My apologies."

 And I meant it. I was so thankful she corrected me. I was even more thankful that the article wasn't in regard to what I thought it was about when I shared the post, in the first place. That would have been horrendously shocking and sad.

But truly, I was so happy she commented. And then I got to thinking. Why don't we do this more often? What are people so afraid of? Why can't we simply communicate and discuss?

I am a firm believer that one of the biggest lies from the devil in these times is "Never talk religion or politics." I have written about that before. Why would we not??? That is the most dangerous philosophy we could ever believe. How else does one ever learn Truth. Yes, Jesus = Truth. I meant to capitalize it. He is our Truth, and that old message tells us not to talk about that.

But also in the political realm, it is a dangerous message. However would we - do we learn? I have always been so discouraged by that belief. I think it was probably my dad that first taught me how wrong that expression is. "Never talk religion or politics." RIGHT!! Who learns from that???

But anyway, I was tempted to post a statement about my new friend's comment and how respectful and kind she was. We do not have to be rude, or uncompassionate. We don't even have to be argumentative. She had the facts correct and I did not. I have no problems with her correcting me. In fact, I was extremely thankful!!! I do not ever want to be the author of incorrect facts, or dissemination of incorrect facts.

And truthfully, I do not even care if she responded with a statement that was her belief, at any time. If she gave incorrect facts or truth, I would just give mine back. I would do as she did, and provide some information based on facts. It SHOULD BE OK to do that!

I simply want people to discuss! To be able to say their feelings and have a logical conversation or even debate! It's healthy and it is wise. It is how we learn. It is how right information goes out and bad information gets stopped. Ideas and thoughts are birthed in discussion.

It is my firm belief, that because we have been so trained, or shamed into being quiet, that our nation is in the shape it is. Our faith cannot grow in silence. Right thinking cannot grow in silence. We are neglecting our responsibility given us by God in remaining silent.

Of course there is a time we should keep quiet and keep our thoughts to ourselves, but we rely on that far too often for our own comfort and convenience. In truth, we thrive in communication. And it should be easy to do it politely.





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