"Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God." ~ Noah Webster

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Love Is Alive


Love is Alive by "The Judds" came on my radio this morning, as I was driving into town. It brought back some immediate memories. And I knew I wanted to share them. 

I've done some really stupid things in my life, and sometimes regret plays over and over in my head making me quite miserable. One of those memories came to me while I was listening to this Judd song; and believe me when I say, this isn't the worst of what I've done, by any means! But it is something I shouldn't have done and long regretted. 

When my niece was about 10 or 11, (I guess I don't really remember how old she was) I wanted to take her to her first concert. And the Judd's were coming to town. Now the Judd's were one of my favorite entertainers at the time; and I don't really remember if they were one of her favorites too. But she certainly knew I loved them and maybe because of that, she loved them too. 

Anyway, I was able to purchase some tickets and I wanted to make it a special event for her. The concert was in our area at what was then called the Opera House. It's just really a small venue, that hosted various events. It was going to be just us two. I wanted the one on one. So I'm sure we excitedly picked the clothes we wanted to wear and I told her we would go out to dinner first, at the Mexican restaurant right next to it. That way we could park just once and then easily walk over to the event center, after dinner. I almost remember where we sat at that Mexican restaurant, but I don't really remember what we ate. 

Of course at that time, there were no cell phones but I had snuck a camera into my purse (they didn't check purses back then either). I wanted so badly to get a picture of the Judd's for my niece. Wouldn't you know, the only camera I had, required a flash. Cameras were not allowed and certainly flash cameras were not allowed at that time. But I was not about to let that stop me.

I don't remember who warmed up for them, or if anyone did, but I know I started taking pictures once the Judd's started playing. It didn't take very long before one of the women who was monitoring the aisles and seating for the event center came over and motioned to me to get up and come to her. She was rather adamant with her hand signals. 

We were somewhere near the middle of the row, so getting up and going to her would have required going through and inconveniencing a row of people. I just shook my head no, I wasn't coming. I was just as adamant as she. She relented and let me stay and I mouthed a promise that I would be good and wouldn't shoot anymore photos. I guess I lied.

I don't remember if I tried to capture any more photos during the rest of the performance. I do remember letting my niece stand on the seat because she was too little to see over people's heads - especially if they were standing too. I let her hoop and holler and I hooped and hollered right along with her. In light of everything, I think we had a fairly overall fun concert experience. One I hoped she would remember. 

Just as they were ending their performance, when I knew it was the last song, I decided I would take one more photo. I wanted to be certain I got one that would be clear enough for my niece to enjoy. Back then, you couldn't look on your phone to see if it was a "keeper". The film had to be sent away to be developed before you would even know if you captured the image you wanted.

If I had it to do all over again, I certainly would have tried to set a better example. I was certainly not a good example for a 10-year-old, 11 year old, 12 or 13 or whatever age she might have been. I probably would have still let her hoop and holler. And I even would have let her stand on her seat; but I most certainly wouldn't have flashed a lightbulb in the eyes of the entertainers! Nor would I have blinded the people who were sitting around us. Hmmmm Maybe it was me I was concerned with when I refused to walk through them. lol

Anyway, I would not have taught her that it was ok to break the rules. And I would have demonstrated to her that we were guests and should behave accordingly. I would have preferred that I was a better example for her and taught her something worthwhile.

I did get a photo. And if I remember correctly, I put it in a frame for her to accent it for her to keep. It wasn't the best photo from that little, cheap camera, but at least it was a memory. 

But back to the present. As the tune on the radio kept playing, more memories filled my mind. I reflected on when Naomi died many decades after that performance that I had shared with my niece. I probably cried over that loss, even though they hadn't recorded anything together in a long time. They were just starting out when we saw them, and it was well past the end of their career when Naomi passed away. Broken-hearted, I called my niece, who is now in her 40s, to share with her the sad news. Naomi had passed and I still felt the connection with my niece because of that concert. I didn't even know if she still listened to them or liked them anymore. But I wanted to call her and experience that talent with her and feel that connection once again. I don't know if that was silly. Maybe. I just know even in Naomi's passing, Love is Alive and I had to let my niece know. It wasn't really about Naomi Judd or one of my favorites, "The Judd's"  It was about my niece! And a special moment in time we had shared together. Woo Hoo! Love is Alive!

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